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Is Your Kid Safe Online?

Your child’s online protection is imperative. Are you monitoring his online activity? If not, you should start right away.

Elena Leu
Passwordless Security | UNLOQ
3 min readFeb 9, 2016


The way we raise future generations speaks loudly about the importance we give to worldwide sustainable development. It’s up to us to make sure our children grow up in the best available conditions, safe and sound from any threats. It is well-know that the little ones are the most exposed to cyber-threats because even though the Internet is a brilliant playground for them, encouraging engagement, exploration and learning, these are also the reasons it is so dangerous.

In recent years the number and types of security threats to our children has increased drastically, especially online. The Internet shifted from an educational environment to a hostile one, children being especially exposed to its threats and shady aspects.

Are we going to let computers raise our children, or are we going to take actions in order to protect our little ones? Now is the perfect time for us to start being aware of all these cyber threats and ways of dealing with them. Keeping an eye on the computer children use is ok for starters, but let’s face it: do you really have that amount of free time at your disposal? Humans are prone to mistakes and the truth is that there is nothing more effective than a complex security solution.

There are too many online threats for a parent to keep up with and it’s virtually impossible for someone to monitor all of them. There are approximately half a million attack attempts that take place in cyberspace every minute, this is if you don’t count also the kids’ exposure to pornography, predators, misleading advertising, violence and much, much more. The online environment is the place where anybody can be whoever he desires. Do you think you can keep up with that? Worldwide, half of the children are exposed to online threats due to the fact that their parents fail to use at least built-in parental control tools. You may think that kids can be educated to avoid these traps and stay safe, but the methods cyber hackers use are constantly perfected to make them more attractive and genuine, so that is not a reliable option.

This is where online security comes in. There are several online solutions specifically created for protecting the youngsters from cyber threats and they are extremely efficient, being created by the best professionals in the area and are constantly updated. They greatly vary from one another, so there is a bit of analysis that has to take place before choosing the right solution for cyber-protection.

When deciding upon one of these online protection solutions, you should make sure that it meets your requirements for online safety while being easy to use and comprehensible. It is not enough for a security product to be effective, if it cannot be properly accessed by its users. Besides being easy to use, this product also has to offer you a high level of security by using the best authentication system. A third aspect that should be taken into account when deciding upon the best online protection solution is cost. Price is not a strong indicator of performance anymore. There are plenty of products out there that offer their users high-quality protection for a relatively small price.

Generally, most of the online security problems are connected to authentication, authorization and data encryption. A product that offers effective solution to these issues is called UNLOQ, and it offers businesses the opportunity to increase their users’ online protection. It is tailored for every company’s needs, while remaining extremely affordable. UNLOQ is free to use for a limited number of users and apps, businesses being able to upgrade to different pricing options with increased number of users and apps. Learn more here.

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